Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I try to keep a pretty spiffy looking blog, but after blog stalking around, I decided that mine needed some improvements. The biggest idea I walked away with (borrowed, stole, copied, imitated?) was to take pictures of the kid's artwork and put those on their own site. Like the originator of the idea said, it is a great way to remember what the kids do before parting with it (you can't keep it all). To see what masterpieces my sweet ones have been working on, click the button on the right side of the blog. I've also put a button there where my food related posts will be found.

* I should add that after setting up a blog for the kid's artwork and taking pictures of their best pieces, I now have the site set up AND still have the original art. I can't bring myself to part with it yet!

1 comment :

  1. What a brilliant idea. I just chucked some artwork this afternoon (before taking a photo). I always do it when he is asleep. I may be a copycat!
